Privacy Policy

All our apps are 100% COPPA compliant.At Le Milieu we take your privacy very seriously. Our apps are designed especially for children, with special attention to online privacy.

Our apps:

  • are 100% COPPA compliant
  • do not collect (or share) personal information from children
  • do not collect location data

Collection and Use of Personal Information

  • We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you believe we have mistakenly collected such information, please contact us so we can resolve the issue. The only “personal information” that Le Milieu collects is from parents and that takes place when an adult contacts Le Milieu via direct e-mail. Le Milieu  uses the personal information only to directly reply to the specific inquiry and for no other purpose.
  • We do not share personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email, phone or any other type of data) with third-party companies or individuals.
  • We are 100% COPPA compliant
  • do not collect (or share) personal information from children
  • do not collect location data

Collection and Use of Non-Personal Information

Our apps may use tools or third-party analytical software to collect non-personal information such as: app progress, session times, clicked objects and other non-personal information that may be used by Project Sara UK to enhance our apps and services and improve the overall game experience. This data is in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual.  We do not share non-personal information with third-party companies or individuals.

Push notifications and Location Data

Our apps do not use push notifications or collect location data.